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What are Intrinsic and Extrinsic Camera Parameters in Computer Vision?

A detailed explanation of intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters with the help of visualizations

Aqeel Anwar
Towards Data Science
6 min readMar 1, 2022


Images are one of the most commonly used data in recent deep learning models. Cameras are the sensors used to capture images. They take the points in the world and project them onto a 2D plane which we see as images. In this article, we will cover the complete transformation that happens in this process.

This transformation is usually divided into two parts: Extrinsic and Intrinsic. The extrinsic parameters of a camera depend on its location and orientation and have nothing to do with its internal parameters such as focal length, the field of view, etc. On the other hand, the intrinsic parameters of a camera depend on how it captures the images. Parameters such as focal length, aperture, field-of-view, resolution, etc govern the intrinsic matrix of a camera model.

These extrinsic and extrinsic parameters are transformation matrices that convert points from one coordinate system to the other. In order to understand these transformations, we first need to understand what are the different coordinate systems used in imaging.

Commonly used coordinate systems in CV

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The commonly used coordinate systems in Computer Vision are

  1. World coordinate system (3D)
  2. Camera coordinate system (3D)
  3. Image coordinate system (2D)
  4. Pixel coordinate system (2D)

The extrinsic matrix is a transformation matrix from the world coordinate system to the camera coordinate system, while the intrinsic matrix is a transformation matrix that converts points from the camera coordinate system to the pixel coordinate system.

World coordinate system (3D):

[Xw, Yw, Zw]: It is a 3D basic cartesian coordinate system with arbitrary origin. For example a specific corner of the room. A point in this coordinate system can be denoted as Pw = (Xw, Yw, Zw).

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Object/Camera coordinate system (3D):

[Xc, Yc, Zc]: It's the coordinate system that measures relative to the object/camera’s origin/orientation. The z-axis of the camera coordinate system usually faces outward or inward to the camera lens (camera principal axis) as shown in the image above (z-axis facing inward to the camera lens). One can go from the world coordinate system to object coordinate system (and vice-versa) by Rotation and Translation operations.

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The 4x4 transformation matrix that converts points from the world coordinate system to the camera coordinate system is known as the camera extrinsic matrix. The camera extrinsic matrix changes if the physical location/orientation of the camera is changed (for example camera on a moving car).

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Image coordinate system (2D) [Pinhole Model]:

[Xi, Yi]: A 2D coordinate system that has the 3D points in the camera coordinate system projected onto a 2D plane (usually normal to the z-axis of the camera coordinate system — shown as a yellow plane in the figures below) of a camera with a Pinhole Model.

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The rays pass the center of the camera opening and are projected on the 2D plane on the other end. The 2D plane is what is captured as images by the camera. It is a lossy transformation, which means projecting the points from the camera coordinate system to the 2D plane can not be reversed (the depth information is lost — Hence by looking at an image captured by a camera, we can’t tell the actual depth of the points). The X and Y coordinates of the points are projected onto the 2D plane. The 2D plane is at f (focal-length) distance away from the camera. The projection Xi, Yi can be found by the law of similar triangles (the ray entering and leaving the camera center has the same angle with the x and y-axis, alpha and beta respectively).

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Hence in the matrix form, we have the following transformation matrix from the camera coordinate system to the image coordinate system.

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This transformation (from camera to image coordinate system) is the first part of the camera intrinsic matrix.

Pixel coordinate system (2D):

[u, v]: This represents the integer values by discretizing the points in the image coordinate system. Pixel coordinates of an image are discrete values within a range that can be achieved by dividing the image coordinates by pixel width and height (parameters of the camera — units: meter/pixel).

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The pixel coordinates system has the origin at the left-top corner, hence a translation operator (c_x, c_y) is also required alongside the discretization.

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The complete transformation from the image coordinate system to pixel coordinate system can be shown in the matrix form as below

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Sometimes, the 2D image plane is not a rectangle but rather is skewed i.e. the angle between the X and Y axis is not 90 degrees. In this case, another transformation needs to be carried out to go from the rectangular plane to the skewed plane (before carrying out the transformation from image to pixel coordinate system). If the angle between the x and y-axis is theta, then the transformation that converts points from the ideal rectangular plane to the skewed plane can be found as below

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These two transformation matrices i.e. transformation from rectangular image coordinate system to skewed image coordinate system and skewed image coordinate system to pixel coordinate system forms the second part of the camera intrinsic matrix.

Combining the three transformation matrices yields the camera extrinsic matrix as shown below

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  1. World-to-Camera: 3D-3D projection. Rotation, Scaling, Translation
  2. Camera-to-Image: 3D-2D projection. Loss of information. Depends on the camera model and its parameters (pinhole, f-theta, etc)
  3. Image-to-Pixel: 2D-2D projection. Continuous to discrete. Quantization and origin shift.
Camera matrices — Image by Author

Camera Extrinsic Matrix (World-to-Camera):

Converts points from world coordinate system to camera coordinate system. Depends on the position and orientation of the camera.

Camera Intrinsic Matrix (Camera-to-Image, Image-to-Pixel):

Converts points from the camera coordinate system to the pixel coordinate system. Depends on camera properties (such as focal length, pixel dimensions, resolution, etc.)

